POSH3 Indep-On-d-On-ce

posh3 independence 2013

Wear Yuh National Colors!!

Date: Sat Aug 31 2013
Time: 3:30pm
Site: Pepper Village
Hares: fearsome Foursome

From Port of Spain, travel south on the Uriah Butler Highway and take the PREYSAL/COUVA turn off. Turn left to head east, and keep on the road through Preysal and Gran Couva. The drive takes about 20 minutes from the highway.
As you pass through Pepper Village (about 5 minutes before La Vega), look out for a disused gas station on the right. Turn right onto the road by the gas station. You will drive past a number of small houses and then a cricket field on the left. Keep going on this road. The Hash Site is just past the old estate house, and on the right.