Trash Run – #811


HASH MASTER Mumtaz Amarali 625-3617 x29436
HASH ASSISTANT Pradeep Subrian 678-2372
FINANCE MINISTER Lorin Paton 622-5806 (O)
HARELINE Salma Khan 753-8843
Arthur Seebalack
Tiza Matura
Martin Griffith
Ashe Holder
Janine Winston 680-2373
Colin Sorias
Betty Agostini
Diane Henderson
Website Address:
811 June 23, 2012 Wahid, Numbnuts, Colin, Marlon and Pamela Chacachacare Island Harry

Line Break - On-On Feet

Hello, I am called Deepak Gupti Shiva BDsingh, but you can call me Harry, and I am most pleasured to be making your acquaintance.  I am from the Punjabi, and I am here present in your islands to meet my bethroded.  We have not been meeting before and I am a little nervous, especially after the ongoings of the previously held weekend.  You see I was invited to attend what is called a “Hash”.  It seemed to me to be akin to the ritualistic Punja festival of Lingus Pussani where Goddess Rati is honoured in the most delicious of manners.

I am actually most embarrassed to be me in the most embarrassment of ways as there is not much of the events of the day that recollects in my mind.  The goings are very fresh but the comings have departed in the most grievous of manners.

I must admit that on that morning the excitement on me was overcome!  We crossed the seas on a fantastic ocean vessel where the most beautiful of sceneries befell my eyes.  It was here during the days earliest of times that I was offered beverage of the alcoholic kind.  I most vehemently refused as I am engaging in my fasting in preparation for my matrimonials and on this I am most serious in my thinking.  As you would come to see my seriousness on this matter did need a revision on my views even before the dockings of the boat.

My day’s enjoyment was pleasing as the majestic cruise liner made for its destination.  I was made to understand that we were heading for an island.  But it seems that I am easily to be misled as during the early part of the trip I though it was called Union Island.  I was brought about to be so thinking as all the older, wiser, greyer, Naanis and Daadis were so speaking in greatness on this Union Island.  And I look with the greatest of respectfulness on these Naanis and Daadis.  In the Punja we call them the most honoured “olefarti”.

The younger, more energetic of the gathering (In the Punja we respectfully refer to them as the “smaartmaani”) in their speaking is what brought about the confusion within my being.  As during the listening of them I was brought to believe that we were sailing to Panama.

I am not too sure in my head but I believe that it was around this point that I had a sip of a proffered drink to ease the puzzlement  in my brain.  As they say, I am believing that this was the starting to the end.

After a short delightful cruise we were eventually to be docking at what turned out to be neither Union Island nor Panama, but Chacachacare Island.  A former leper colony with an interesting history.  By this time I had been convinced to sip quite a few more of an amber liquid and I was brought to believe that the fresh sea air was mightily invigorating to me.

At the docking of the cruise liner, my slight stumble off the boat did not enlighten me as to the impending condition of myself.  But by this time I was seeking out the amber liquid with an increasing gusto.

The masses of peoples gathered on a magnificent beach that highlighted a beautiful sheltered bay.  Here I got my first chance to survey the entirement of the crowd.  There was an interesting mix of “olefarti” and “smaartmaani”.  And dare I be so embolded to say that my senses detected some frictation between them ………… ???

As if on cue, somewhere around this time in point, a miniscule sea vessel did arrived in the bay full of a gay assortment of “olefarti”.  They appeared in great spirits and as I said in a previous way, most happy and extremely gay.

I then watched as a most unlikely collection of “hairs” in curry coloured jerseys gave instructions. I was not very encouraged as they seemed a most incompetent lot.  The warm buzz within myself was now having me to my own full cup of beer.  And this I was drinking when the group did take to be running.  I followed anxiously.  I am not to be understanding why we ran in confusion in the same spot for the first 10 minutes but maybe that is how this hash thing works. I am not knowing.

We eventually traversed the coastline and went uphill into some aging but interesting structures.  A church, a dormitory, some outhouses. We are continuing uphill and here I am noticing a most exquisite oriental …. My MaiMai would not be pleased at the thinking that is going through my head!

We begin to go down and are arriving on a trail.  It is here that it is again confusing to me and it seems to everyone else as well.  They run down the trail and ran back up.  They run down the trail and ran back up.  They run down the trail and back up ……. What is this “forkeenshait!” everyone keeps shouting out?  I believe it is a jovial greeting between friends given the exuberating and voluminous manner in which it was exalted.

I am to be believing that a “hair” showed the way out  …. And “up” it went.  A strenuous and at times difficult and exciting climbing and then a descending.  We are then coming back onto the starting trail which we did in a reversing manner to bring us back to the beach ……..

…….. and the beer! The sturdy Mr. Andre was fast becoming my friend of the best way of things.  And I say this so that you may be forgiving of me as the recollecting becomes more difficult here on out.

There was swimming.  There was beer.  There were boobs!  Sorry MaiMai! What the western culture has done to spandex and other synthetical materials is to be held in awe.  There were 4 particular ones or should I say two pair that were most entrancing to mine eyes.

What I in my unexperienced experience saw in the run as deficiencies, was more than made up for in the gloriousness of the after run puja.  Did I be mentioning that there were boobs!

I was covered in flour and chugged a beer and felt as gay as the “olefarti” on the canoe.

It’s all blurried in mind but there was dancing …… boy was there dancing!! This is of the course on the trip back home.  I was made to be introduced to the “wining”, to the “grining” …… the gloriousness of it all!

It was a most unfortunate moment in time when the ending did appear, as I have never been having an experience like this before.  It is also most unfortunate and I am embarrassing to admit but having finally met my bethroded, she did not meet my now raised expectations of mamarary excellence.  I have since asked back for my goats and my cows but do not be having high hopes for their return.

I intend to be back for the coming but only if these “hairs” are not the “hairs” who are “hairing”.  Maybe if they be organizing a cruise ………..

So in closing I leave you with this ….. “Forkeenshait!”


PS:  I am hoping that the “olefarti” and the “smaartmaani” can one day be friends.

“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well. “

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Line Break - On-On Feet

From the Office of the Iron Lady (Be the best you can be today)

For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get the milk for free. Here’s an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it’s not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.

From one island to another island…….Caribbean Integration……..We have certainly been hash ambassadors, we have always had a relationship with our Barbados hashers, we were part of the Inter-Caribbean Hash in Grenada, had our hash overseas in Panama and recently returned from Guyana where we met both the Guyana and Suriname Hashers. We have certainly left our footprints on many shores and our Down the Islands trip was no exception. A good run, with a dip in the ocean and a party on the boat, a hashers paradise.

A little history on the island of Chacachacare :

 It was originally named El Caracol (the Snail) by Christopher Columbus because of its shape. At various times in its history Chacachacare has served as a cotton plantation, a whaling station and a leper colony.

“Chacachacare, at the west of the first Boca, is horseshoe shaped and very hilly. The hills slope towards the inside of the horseshoe. At the junction of the arms of the horseshoe, the land is flat and marshy. At times of spring tides or in rough weather the sea often passes over the isthmus. Boats can be hauled from calm water on the east to La Tinta, so called on account of the colour of the sand, which is black, the water being clear, but the sand beneath it makes it look black. In1791, there were many people living on this island, cultivating ground provisions and sugar apples (Annona squamosa). During the time of slavery large quantities of cotton were grown, which after emancipation was abandoned. Later, when the price of cotton was very high, the industry was re-established by Messrs. Gerold and Urich. There were also three or four whaling stations carried on by Messrs. Gerold and Urich, Tardieu and F. Urich and Partners. Looking across the Boca Grande there is a view of the Venezuelan mountains eight miles [12.9 km] away. On a clear day they appear to be much closer. On the land side of the bay there is a fringe of deadly Manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella)]. Tall cacti andaloes grow on the cliffs on the southern shore. There is a pebbly beach—Bande de Sud—inside which there is a lagoon from what in the early days the islanders attempted to extract salt. About 1887 a stone pier and a large house for the use of a sanatorium was erected on the island by S. Chittendon. At present there is only a lighthouse on the west and theLeper Asylum on the island.”[1]

The famous Venezuelan revolutionary, Santiago Mariño, who later joined forces with Simón Bolivar and was instrumental in the liberation of Venezuela from Spanish rule, used Chacachacare as a base for his successful 1813 invasion of Venezuela with a tiny band of 45 “Patriots”.[2]

Today Chacachacare remains uninhabited except for staff maintaining a Lighthouse on the island. It is also regularly used for camping and visits by recreational boats. Many Trinidadians go to this island, as well as Monos and Huevos for vacations and day trips. This is popularly referred to as “going down the islands”.

The island was spotted by Christopher Columbus on his third New World voyage on 12 August 1498, and his little fleet spent the night anchored in Monkey Harbour.[3] He named the island ‘Port of Cats’ because many wildcats lived on the island. The island later became a nuns quarters and a leper colony. In 1942, 1,000 U.S. Marines were stationed on Chacachacare and built barracks on the island. The island was abandoned by the 1980s when the nuns left their quarters and when the last leper that was on the island died in 1984. The colony had been abandoned since.

In 1999, Donald Trump visited Chacachacare during the Miss Universe contest and thought of having a casino and hotel built on the island; however the idea has not been pursued.

Welcome to our virgins, it was nice to have you

Happy Birthday: Alastair Paton

Poofter: Ronald Mc Donald for polluting the ocean by vomiting.

Line Break - On-On Feet

Directions to the next run #813

Date: Jul 21, 2012
Time: 3:30pm
Hares: Mountain Goats
Run Site: Santa Cruz

Drive to Maraval, then onto to Santa Cruz passing Under Cover Plant Shop on the right and then turning left onto to Saddle Grove, look for HHH signs.


Trash Run #802

Web Address:

MIS-MANAGEMENT MINISTERS                        

Hash Master/Iron Lady: Mumtaz Amarali – 625-3617 ext 29436 (O) 478-6799    email address:

Assistant Hash Master: Pradeep Subrian – 678-2372                                         email address:       

Finance Minister:Lorin Paton – 622-5806 (0)

Communications Minister:Zameer Ali –    678-9172                                           email

Social Development Minister:Arthur Seebalack – 461-5665                               Arts & Culture Minister:Janine Winston

Health Minister:Tiza Matura – 683-4848                                                                 Foreign Affairs Minister:Colin Sorias

Sport & Youth Development Minister:Martin Griffith – 681-9552                   Works & Transport Minister: Ashe Holder

Independent Senators : Betty Agostini and Diane Henderson

Hairline Salma Khan – 753-8843                                                                       email address:


RUN: #802                SCRIBE: Mr Speaker            RUN SITE: Tacariga

DATE: March 3, 2012      HARES: Marlon Newallo, Sahadeo, Victor Smith and Eggy

This was the weekend when the Vote of No Confidence against the Iron Lady was the main item on the country’s agenda and it had created widespread national interest. However, before the motion was to be dealt with, she called all the faithful to a walkabout in the Tacarigua Constituency. This was to gather popular support as she sought to defeat the motion against her.

The crowds were there in their numbers and we all expected a sea of yellow jerseys.  However, the four main supporters (she called them hares) who were to spearhead the walkabout were wearing white jerseys and this seemed curious especially as one was known to be a COP.

And so at the appointed hour, the crowd set off on the walkabout. It soon became apparent that this regime did not know what they were about – No sense of direction – ever so often they were losing their way and had to turn back and the people were becoming frustrated. Talk about missteps! At some stages, the walkabout truly reflected life in the country – a long uphill struggle. For some, the river presented an opportunity to ease their daily frustration with WASA as they gleefully had a bath. The roads that were traversed during the walkabout were in a deplorable condition and the Minister of Works was strangely silent. Eventually everyone made their way back from the walkabout.

No sooner had they returned, the supporters got down to the eats and drinks that were available for consumption. Clearly, the rum and roti politics is still with us.

The time was approaching for the motion to be dealt with by the House. This was when the Hon.Ashe, Minister of Works was caught trying to set up the Speaker. However, he is in the Iron Lady’s good books and so he escaped being sent before the Privileges Committee.  Arguments started flying left and right, for and against the motion. The Iron Lady called on all the visitors to come forward and show themselves (she called them virgins) and she said that this was clear evidence of the good work being done by her Minister of Tourism. The Opposition pointed to the fact that things had become so tough in the land that some of the Iron Lady’s supporters were barefooted on the walkabout as they could not afford to buy shoes. The Iron Lady was criticized over her published itinerary of overseas trips to International Hash Conferences in Grenada in April and Panama in June –they say “like she always on a plane.” Meanwhile, an old has been politician named Nevie sat alongside the Iron Lady throughout the proceedings and she explained that she doesn’t like to be too far from Booze.

Word went around that Calder Hart was present and the Iron Lady initiated steps to have him apprehended but it turned out that it was an old hasher from Barbados and he is called Hart. She tried to save face by commending him for buying his new sneakers in T&T and so helping out the local economy.  As expected, the spectre of corruption reared its ugly head as the Member for the Toco Constituency was accused of having individuals set a hash in the Tacarigua Constituency and he simply used his vast resources to buy it over. It was also reported to the Speaker that there was an altercation between two individuals in the vicinity of the proceedings and someone named Griffith was overheard saying that he could take on cocks at any time. Many were surprised at this and the Speaker promised an investigation into the matter.

Lee was most present walking around speaking to anyone who would listen but no one got into a Row with him – how could this motion ever succeed ?

At the end of it all, the Iron Lady stood tall (if that is really possible?) stating that notwithstanding the assortment of Mismanagement Ministers, her partnership was strong and she reiterated her earlier pronouncement that the motion was frivolous, vexatious and without substance. She asserted in no uncertain terms that in her administration, Ashe worth Jack and he will maintain his position which will always be on TOP.

Dishonourable Members, the House now stands adjourned to Arima on March 17 2012.

P.S.  A number of the young female members did catch the Speaker’s eye but it    appeared that they did not wish to speak.

The Speaker also reported not hearing anyone “beg to move” but before he knew it, members had moved to the constituency office at Lance Bar.


From the Office of the Iron Lady (I have got the Power)

Partnerships and mergers that was run #802 in Tacarigua, Marlon who always sets runs in Toco decided to join forces with Victor from Tacarigua and set the run in that area, even though we were at that run site last year the run was up to the hash standards, it was set by men.

New Shoes: Roger Hart

Poofter: Marlon Newallo (hare) for calling Victor and asking him to orgainse the run and having him  do all the work and only showing up on the day of the run .

Welcome Virgins: Nikola Nothnagel, Georgia Fojo, Ryan Joseph, Thao Joseph, Zoe Klasmeyer, Vijay Mahabir, Nikhil Maharaj, Richard Abraham, Stephanie Ramkissoon, Roger Singh, Karina Sadal, Ibrihim Gittens, Ainsley Cato, Dionne Snaggs, Dr Hema, Dr T. Ganesh, Revath Ganesh, Gert Breur, Marlon Boucaud, Janina Boettel, Lisa Lucles


 Date: 31st March, 2012                                                       Time: 3:30p.m.  

Hares: Hash Master & The Undertakers                            Run Site: Mayaro

Drive through Valencia, Sangre Grande, Manzallina to Mayaro take a right on the T junction over the hill to the market, take a left at the market and drive approximately 2-3 miles to Off-shore Bar taking a left at the bar drive straight to the T junction taking a left then a right at the next T junction to the run site. Look for HHH sighs by Off-Shore Bar.



GRENADA – APRIL 25 – 29, 2012

PANAMA – JUNE 6 – 10, 2012 (check taz for info and payment details)

MARCH 30 – APRIL 1, 2012


We are overnighting, we have a beach house (limited beds available), you can also walk with your camping bags and tents if you are sleeping out doors. Proper washroom facilities available.
Kitchen facilities and outdoor grill available for cooking. (check taz for more info)

2012 Hareline

Run Directions – Run #802

Date: March 3, 2012
Time: 3:30p.m.
Hares: MArlon Newallo
Run Site: Tacarigua

From POS drive east to Orange Grove Rd. traffic lights and turn left (HHH), proceed to the EMR (Eastern Mn Rd) then turn right and drive to next traffic lights/ gas station, tun left onto Dhangraj Street (HHH) all the way to the end of the street, look for HHH signs. After the run we limin at “Lance Bar”

Trash Run 777

Hash Trash Run 777


HASH MASTER Arthur Seebalack 461-5665
HASH ASS Mumtaz Amarali 625-3617 x29436
ON-SEC/ HARELINE Salma Khan 753-8843
HASH C$SH Lorin Paton 622-5806 (O)
HASH BOOZE Nevie Boos 637-3033 (H)
HASH SOFTIES Richard Marlay 351-3694
COMMITTEE Betty Agostini, Karen Hale-Jackson, Ronald Mc Donald, Diane Henderson, Asha Saith
Website Address:
777 April 30, 2011 Marlon Newallo, Victor Smith Mission Beach De Imposter

Line Break - On-On Feet

Hey everyone! First time hasher here, feel free to call me De Imposter. First of all I must say that I had a really great first hashing experience. The trail was beautiful, the lime was great, and the beers at the end were a nice touch. I mean really, what else could a girl ask for?

Now before starting the hash, I knew that there were a few things that I would have to do in order to prepare for my experience. First of all, I knew that I would have to work on my fitness. I remember a friend of mine once telling me about his first hash experience where he was hunched over in the mud, completely exhausted, trying his very best not to vomit. This is about the time that his dentist, who is about twice his age, zoomed past him shouting condescending words of encouragement. Talk about embarrassing. Nobody, after all, wants to be THAT person passing out in the bush on their first run! I also knew that I would have to work on my beer chugging skills- the initiation rites of the hashing world, after all, are quite the thing of legend.

The one thing that I was totally unprepared for, however, was that I was about to be immersed in a foreign language, and to not understand this strange language would certainly lead to being totally and completely lost ‘in de bush’. As echoes of “on on” and “on off” boomed throughout the trail, some other unprepared newbie friends and myself tried to decipher the code. When we finally felt comfortable in the new lingo we sent one of our buds, Stray Kat, out to the front to give it a go. After loudly and proudly bawling out “On left!”, Stray Kat was met with many harsh stares and cut eyes from some of the senior hashers. We then retreated to the middle of the pack and decided to let the others deal with the whole “on on off” business. Maybe zoning out during the pre hash de briefing was not such a good idea after all.

All in all, my first hash was a great experience and I will definitely be coming back again sometime in the not too distant future. My advice for newbies would be to come prepared to have fun, go at your own pace, and don’t ever, EVER, wear new shoes. Consider yourself warned.

Line Break - On-On Feet

Mahashma's Meditations

"missing in action"

Hash Lingo

Virgins take note of the meaning of these signs!!!

  1. While on the trail CALL “ON ON” when you see bits of shredded paper/flour! It helps those behind/possibly lost hashers.
  2. “O” – check for the correct trail!
  3. “X” – you’re on the wrong trail! Go back to the check point and start again.
  4. “ON PASS” – to pass someone on the trail.
  5. “ON BACK” – on the wrong trail, you may have reached an “X“….turn back to the check point “O“.
  6. “On OFF” – you’re off the correct trail.
  7. When you are almost in you would see: “ON IN” pointing to the correct direction.
  8. For those who can’t keep up with the ‘3F’s’ (FIT, FAST AND FURIOUS) pack then just go with the ‘Backpackers’  (SMART) pack who just let them do all the work.>

Line Break - On-On Feet


Date: 28 May, 2011
Time:  3:30 p.m
Hares: East Infection
RunSite: Tacarigua
Directions: From Port of Spain head East along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway. After Johnsons & Johnsons turn left at the traffic lights and follow road until you meet the Eastern Main Rd. Head East on Eastern Main Rd. until you get to the Quik Shop on left-hand side by traffic lights. Turn left and drive until you see Paradise West on right-hand side. Turn right into Paradise West. Run site is at the park on left-hand side. Look for HHH signs.

Lime at Lance Bar on Huggins Street, a one-minute drive from Run Site. Food on sale and tassa available.



Run Directions Run #777

Run Directions – Run#777 April 30, 2011


RUN #777
DATE April 30, 2011
HARES Marlon Newallo/ Victor
RUN SITE Mission Beach, Toco

Drive to Toco. Continue west through the village of Toco. A few minutes outside of downtown Toco, shortly after you pass the Fishing Depot on your right, and immediately as you pass the T&TEC substation on your left, you will meet Mission Beach. If you reach Sans Souci, Grand Riviere or Matelot, then you’ve gone too far. This drive will take a minimum of 2 hours from POS.

GPS Co-ordinates
Latitude: 10°50’0.63"N
Longitude: 60°57’3.66"W