Trash Run – #830


A Drinking Club with a running problem

Web Address:

DATE:March 2nd, 2013           RUN:#830                    RUN SITE : Caura

HARES: Vin, Michelle Keise (Stephen Kissoon), Dennis, Kyle, Victor & Wahid

SCRIBE : Hashslut

Once upon a time in the isle of Trinidad, the hash slut was getting ready to go to yet another hash.

Ah ready for de hash, meh shoes ready, meh hash jersey and pants ready, meh water and soap to wash off ready .  Ah ready ready.

The destination is Caura. Ah like Caura because ah always like hash wid ah river. De last time we went Caura, dey had bees dat just loved de woman wearing perfume.

The directions said, turn left on Eastern Main Road, if ya reach KFC, ya gone too far. Well, ya doh have to reach KFC  for  some hashers  to go too far.

Anyway, let’s get on de road. It take meh  bout  one hour to get to Caura and dey  had plenty hashers anxiously waiting to go in the bush.  It was a good turnout, some new faces.

Dey had ah whole bunch ah hares. De list was   Vin, Michelle, Keiser, Dennis, Kyle, Victor, Wahid and of course, ah man from de area. With a group like dat, de hash had to be confusing!! De Hash Master stand on ah heap ah sand and introduce de bunch ah hares and dem hares gave some details (all lies, as usual). Ah listening to de hash master when a man almost blind meh wid he brand new totally  white sneakers……..hmmmm, special down down for him.

So, is on on, and ah disappointed already because we going away from de river. Steups!!

We approach the first hill and I take a deep breath to start my assent. The barefoot hare calls the walkers back to another trail. So, being a little chubby and the knees not as strong as they use to be, I happily accepted the walkers route……so I’m ah wuss !!   I accept that.

So, the next trail looks like another hill. Well, dis is de walkers trail, so de hill go be short. Ah walk up, and then ah walk up more, like dis hill eh finishing!!! Well, ah panting like ah sick dog, meh knees  vex wid meh and meh tongue hanging out meh mouth and start to lick meh shoes.  De front runners done catch up and passing de walkers . Some people have dey hands on dey hips, some leaning on ah tree to rest. It was ah serious hill and we barely survived.

Anyway, de hash not done yet,  there was more.  So ah stick wid de walkers and able to do ah brisk walk. Ah ready for ah cold beer, but ah have to wait. We see ah truck in de bush and then suddenly, there was a buzzzz among de hashers!! It wasn’t e hashers talking too loud. It was a swarm of bees attacking the hashers. The bees were in ah frenzy, the hashers were in ah frenzy. This was clearly survival of de fastest.  Everybody run and eh look back. Husband separate from wife, girlfriend separate from boyfriend.  Dem bees sting some hashers til dey cry!!

So dis cause de hash to split into 4 distinct parts, some front pack ran for dey life, some take a drop wid de beekeeper (were seen puffing here, there and everywhere), some took alternate trail wid barefoot hare, and de all girls group went wid barefoot’s daddy.

I myself went wid barefoot (Kyle) and he lead us safely through bush wid no bees. Ah throw myself in de river. Ah was traumatized, ah needed something to calm meh down, to settle meh nerves…… ah needed ah very cold beer.

All hashers out de bush and talking about de experience.  Now dat de alcohol flowing, everybody happy. De hares real lucky dat dey eh have hashers who allergic!! Anyway, man, woman , child and others were OK.

Ah had to apoligize for not knowing what happen at de downs downs. Ah was wet and start to shiver, so ah went to change.  When ah reach back, ah went straight for another beer. We stay at de site for awhile. De lime was good, plenty shit talk.

De hares say dat dey organize to lime by de first bar on de left. We left in convoy and reach de bar….it closed. We see ah second bar….it closed, steups!!   Some hashers decide to go home, Dem hares bust up de lime. Some of us needed more beer to calm de nerves, so we reach Jammer’s bar to share some more pints.

Ah finish tell meh personal hash story.

Goat could rush us,  bulls could butt us, bees could sting us, marabunta could attack us, we will hash again.


We had 18 VIRGINS……and if you see the reaction of the new hashers when the bees attacked, they all in a frenzy but the seasoned ones, just another barrier to the beers at the end…..don’t worry; a few beers and it will take care for itself. The river limers had good fun, rubbing the white rum on the female hashers, even their buttocks as they seize the opportunity, taking the bees out of their hair while the male hashers had to jump into the river and fend for themselves. The run was a good one and enjoyed by all. Thanks to the hares, a good combination of virgin hares supported by seasoned ones. It is great to see men like Smitty always willing to assist where needed….thanks to him for being a hasher true and true!

VIRGINS: Khalid, Nick, Rachel, Kiana, Kamla, Jordan, Robert, Katrina, Natalia, Camila, Max, Drue, Derrick, Richard, Michelle, Ardene, Rory and Siddarth

Visiting Hasher – Tweedle Dumb – USA

Poofter: The Hares

From the HASH MASTER ……….ON ON!



DATE :  March 30th, 2013

HARES: Nico & Andre

RUN SITE:  Penal

Time: 3.30pm


Drive to the end of the Solomon Hochoy Highway at Golconda and take a left at the roundabout followed by an immediate right after 200m. Follow this road towards Debe and follow the signs for Penal. Once in Penal proper, follow the main road southwest towards Siparia for another 2.7km and take a right towards the Moora Dam for another 1km. This turn off is approximately 800m before the turn-off to the PowerGen Plant. So if you once you see PowerGen, you went too far!  Total distance from lighthouse approx. 65km (about 1:15 hour drive). The site is easy to reach, also for cars, and there is sufficient parking. Food will be arranged.

Hares: Nico & Andre


March 16, 2013

Randall Lyon





March 30, 2013

Nico Kersting

Moora Dam (New Territory)




April 13, 2013

Doon (Birthday Bash Run – BBR)

Maracas Bay

(Doon’s Residence)




April 27, 2013

Nevi Boos




May 11, 2013

The Bimbos: Memorial Run

To be finalized




Run Directions – Run #829

Date: Sat Mar 02 2013
Time: 3:30pm
Site: Caura
Hares: Vin, Michelle, Keiser (Stephen Kissoon), Dennis, Kyle, Victor and Wahid

From Port-of-Spain – drive East on Churchill-Roosevelt Highway to Orange Grove intersection (past Macoya and before Trincity Mall). Turn left (North) and follow the road ahead to Eastern Main Rd. Intersection (T-junction). Turn left (West) and proceed to Caura Road intersection (about ¼ mile or less) if you have reached K.F.C, El Dorado, you have gone too far, turn right (North) onto Caura Royal Road and proceed, passing Caura Medical facility, pool one and pool two, after which you will come to a Y-junction (you will see a red and white Bus Shed) keep right .Look for HHH signs along the way. Approximate driving time from POS 50 minutes.

Food on Sale: Saltfish and Provisions, Chicken curry and Paratha roti: $30 each

Trash Run #812


HASH MASTER Mumtaz Amarali 625-3617 x29436
HASH ASSISTANT Pradeep Subrian 678-2372
FINANCE MINISTER Lorin Paton 622-5806 (O)
HARELINE Salma Khan 753-8843
Arthur Seebalack
Tiza Matura
Martin Griffith
Ashe Holder
Janine Winston 680-2373
Colin Sorias
Betty Agostini
Diane Henderson
Website Address:
812 Jul 7, 2012 Reed, Marli, Gerry and Janelle Caura Party Animal

Line Break - On-On Feet

Rum Runners Run, the long anticipated to be run of the year, arrived at the Caura Valley lush green vegetation, cool flowing river and a gently breeze, tall lean green bamboo gently caressing each other…….ok ok I better stick to the trash, yes all set….The Iron Lady decided to do an introduction of some Hardcore person, season hashers upset cause nothing harder than hashing. Hash start 4.00 pm after spinning about Marli decided we taking too long to get on the correct trail so he show us where to go as he did all the way……hmmmm. Reed disappears, Gerry gone with the wind and Janelle supporting the bottom or back so they don’t fall out. After much up hill and lots of sliping, sliding, spreading, skinning, flipping, falling and plenty copulating we manage to come down to a river, only to ascend a long ass hill which some hashers say the triple R’s want to prove they long and hard……we couldn’t seem to see the top and there was more copulating of words to create a new population. Eventually by 5.30pm I made it out in one piece, I think…then to the cool river for a supple muscle relaxant….I was going to beg for some curry duck but figure I beg enough in Guyana….down downs…Iron Lady announce is ah free rum bar much thanks to Dianne and Angostura and well received by all who labored on the long and narrow path…Curtis having a powerfull tool was given his hash name ICE PICK. Shawna…..was named ICE BREAKER cause she slippery hence the reason Curtis tool got placed elsewhere….Betty…..boobs now renamed Cougar….purple cougar outfit….meow meowing and all with her personal trainer who showed off an Adonis like body and very hard Glutus Maximus…yum yum… start….Paulaina come, Tiza can you help me..??? I get cut….I send her by Ashe to get his car keys…I get my first aid kit, fix her up and put the keys back in my purse….later Ashe ask for the keys so I give him the keys….he asking me where the car keys, he only have the remote on the holder… so I say that is all Paulina give me…He say No!!!! the key was on it….I say no Ashe all I got was the remote…..9.00pm and it dark cause the generator run out of gas…Iron Lady en’t saying nothing and we know she deadly when she silent….then Ashe put on his headlight and start to look for the keys. By this time all started looking with headlights on for Ashe’s keys…Lordie…lordie I had to repeat the sequence over and over what transpired with the keys….I swear I was suffering from AZP. Everyone looking on the ground for the car keys, suddenly I decided I better get some divine intervention yes, cause this en’t looking good so I called upon St Christopher and my guardian angel Raul….in less than 5 seconds Ashe find the keys in his tights….so say thanks to the divine intervention….some say Ashe so accustom to a long thing in his pants hanging down to his knee so that is why he en’t bother to feel in his pants. (talk about being well endowed) everyone up in arms made him neal down and douse him with water, Poofter for the rest of the year….not to mention hash name nominations…..long john silver, Dickey, Long Dickey and any other…

May the Divine Architect of the Universe Teach Us Mere Mortals Too Be Always Remarkable, Resourceful, Revolutionary and never Retired so that we may grace others with our Poorness, Penitence and Politeness….On on on on

Line Break - On-On Feet

From the Office of the Iron Lady (Women who behave rarely makes history)

Each moment becomes a memory and sometimes when both are joined it makes history.

So we are off to the valley of Caura, a place where the Arawaks once settled and a place that was later cleared via dynamite so that a Dam could be built, however this was never completed. This run was a Rum Runners Run, but I wonder if Harper knows that the birth of the Rum Running trade began when the 1910 Act in Nova Scotia stated that provisions would be made for the sale of liquor by prescription only for “medicinal, sacramental, art, trade and manufacturing purposes”. Liquor was not to be sold, or consumed otherwise. Now hash history also states that the hares for Tobago 2011 run in Englishman Bay can’t set a run and don’t know how to set a run. Yes Reed was one of the hares for that run. So now this Caura run was a second chance for him, he was assisted by Marli, Janelle and Gerry, the run was good and the Beer Stop or Moving Pick-Up Bar was even better, this was the best beer stop for the year (they had all kind of drinks, you could ah even get a rum). Great job guys, good parking, food and after lime.

Poofter: Betty (cougar) got poofter because she brought her fit, fast and handsome personal trainer to the run.

Upcoming events:

Hash Golf – Saturday 28 July, 2012 (TT$100.00)

Monday Run – Tobago – September 24, 2012 (Republic Day)

Tobago Weekend – Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th October, 2012 (TT1500.00)

Line Break - On-On Feet

Directions to the next run #814

Date: Aug 4, 2012
Time: 3:30pm
Hares: Ivan Charles
Run Site: East Manzanilla

Departing POS, proceed up the Beetham Highway and onto the CRH to Wallerfield. Left turn up Antigua Rd to junction with EMR. Right turn on EMR to Valencia Village where you continue on the right lane at Y-junction in Valencia Village. Proceed to Sangre Grande and continue through to Manzanilla Beach. On entering Manzanilla Beach, the road takes a natural right turn and immediately on the right side, perched on a hill is the Run Site – Modern-Day-Estate-Styled-House.
Entrance gate is on the right side of roadway opposite Manzanilla Beach facility. Drive in.
Drive Time for POS: approx 2hrs.


Run Directions – Run #812

Run: #812

Date: Saturday 7 July 2012


Site: Caura


Proceed East along Churchill Roosevelt Highway until you come to Orange Grove Road and turn left (Second left after Macoya Junction or the next traffic light). Follow the road, you will cross over the bus route. Turn left (headed West) until you reach traffic lights at Caura Junction, turn right (headed North). Follow road for about 25mins till you reach a T-junction. At that junction you will turn right. Follow road until you meet Caura Activity Centre, it will be just after the Caura Pool 1 sign. Park in that area around the Activity Centre.