Trash Run – #835


A Drinking Club with a running problem

Commit-T 2013

Hash Master Pradeep Subrian psubrian[at] 678-2372
Assistant Hash Master Colin Sorias colinsorias[at]
Hash Cash Lorin Paton 622-5806
Hareline Salma Khan salmakhan_10[at] 753-8843
Hash Booze Ashe Holder
On-Sec Marita Guevara mcguevar[at]
Members Betty Agostini, Diana Henderson, Randall Lyon, Martin Griffith, Derek De Freitas, Marguerite Aanensen, Raymond Wyver, Dave Blunden, Joanne Esdale, Eric DeSilva

Web Address:

DATE: May 11th, 2013
RUN: #835
SITE: Aripo
HARES: Arima Crew

Well Well Well…..when I heard it was part of the Big Dick crew that was setting this run, I was sure that it will have some dam huge hills and even worse, when I got the news of the local guide did not show up for the second recce, then I was even more worried…..ah local man find the walk to difficult? Well, then we agreed with his decision after doing the run. It is the first time I literally stopped and allowed hashers to pass but is only ego and embarrassment kept them go-ing. The fun started a couple weeks ago, Fireman was supposed to be the main hare with Eric as the consultant but Fireman always late, coming to a recce ten o’clock instead of 7am, then all the semantics during the recce, ah hear that a hare, a Policeman who is supposed to protect and serve did a twenty feet moon walk when he came upon a baby snake and after that was literally holding Eric pants to guide him along the trail. He and Fireman then got two pieces of branches and swept every dry leaf off the ground on the trail before making the next step. I hope that the ladies hashers take note as these two men (the ladies man) will not be able to protect them in time of danger so back to the older and experienced guys.

The direction to the run was not as precise and literally so as it was way beyond the traditional spot by the community center and way into the hills but it was truly virgin territory with a very scenic drive that looked never ending. The cars had a hard time with some difficult navigation to prevent damages from the huge pot holes but those with the 4×4 made it look relatively easy. The parking was well arranged but it was a warm up walk from the parking area to the run site, a humble home with all the basic amenities and a very friendly lady who received the hashers with warmth.

The Run

So the ON ON was called and we started down to the what we taught was a correct way as there were not many options but we got it wrong twice and eventually had to head back to where we parked and use the trail that was obvious, now I understand why a hare was missing until the last minute of the start, he was waiting to put down paper when we assembled! …Although it was relatively cool, the humidity was killing us as it was a very long treck, climbing and climbing with no end in site.

Along the way, we could have seen the hares making sure that everyone was OK but in particular, making sure that they kept the walkers pack together as going back to look for hashers would have been hell. I must say though, that everyone was in good spirit but the unlucky first timers who thought that it was a race and kept going quickly realized that this type of fitness is differ-ent and so they slowed every fifteen minutes even saying hello to the sea-soned hashers as they pass them on the trail. About thirty minutes into the run and a hare standing patiently “walkers or runners” and only because of ego I kept going on the runners trail tired like a dog but had no alternative. There were at least four hashers with me and we stuck together until we saw the lone female hare calling ON ON and so we felt good thinking that the end was near and even better, it was down hill.

And there the beer stop on the road and the ON ON IN sign, well I grabbed a water and started to run thinking that it was the traditional run in BUT I was wrong, a right turn into the bush again and going up the hill….it was liter-ally up and up and up and OH F! what the hell is this cried some hashers, this is punishment and this is where I had to bow and let a few pass me. I thought it would have never ended until I heard a voice saying “you nearly there……straight up and I saw the helping hand to pull me up the hill and onto the road where we parked and then it was a cool couple minutes walk in.

And then the Down Down

The Hasher thought that it was a good run and especially the site. The tradi-tional down down with the beer. Hares: Antonio (Fireman), Eric, Marita, Ricky, Sheldon (Policeman) Don, Riza, Christain (not the Big Dick), Brandon (Young Riza) and Stefon

Virgins: We are always happy to see new hashers : Mandy, Joey, Stacy, Simo-ne, Robert, Shobha, Marc, Stephon, Stephen and Ann Marie

New Shoes: these were the people who looked forward to getting a FREE beer to pour it into their shoe and drinking it down…down ……down…. Laim, Joann, Vaughn, Harold (Yes …the Lee boy) Ricky, Sophia and Stephon.

POOFTER Nominees:
Ricki and Annstesia—They dropped a box of curry on the roadway on their way to the hash and they thought that no one saw them……we have security camera installed.
Fireman— Caught buying imitation T-shirts at Rattan on Henry street, coming late for every Recce and being the ladies man and to celebrate Mother’s day
Eric—For the Italian designer Hash direction sigh and installed by a Spanish man

The Poofter

And it was Ricky and Fire-man…..joint POOFTERS
The Hashers nominated Ricky for throwing the box of curry on the roadside on his was to the hash site and Fireman quickly thought that he was out of it and assisted Ricky with the dirty, wet, muddy and ice cold poofter T-Shirt…..and so Ricky, still in shock as to how we got the story put on shirt


The crown cheered on for Fireman….I pull my secret bag out and asked hashers was is the celebration to-morrow and they shouted “Mother Day” and we had to celebrate in mother style. The bra came out and Betty quickly came to assist Fire-man to pull his T-shirt off and put on the Bra, and he thought that was all, then came the netted RED under-wear followed by the dress and then the wig….toasted with the potty of beer to a “he is a poofter true and true”
Everyone really enjoyed it…great fun had bu ALL.

Upcoming Hash Events

St. Lucia Hash—June 19th—23rd. We have 100 hashers going and any last minute hashers are asked to booked their tickets and call me at 678-2372 so I could make Hotel arrangements. We will close off by the end of May.
Down The Island Lime—August
Hash Annual Cricket—TBA
Pajama Run—TBA
Hashers who could cook—September
Tobago Hash—October
Hash Treasure Hunt—TBA


DATE: June 8th, 2013
RUN: #836
SITE: Valencia
HARES: Uncle Ray , Derek and Simon

Proceed along the Churchhill Roosevelt to Wallerfield, turn right to Cumuto, follow main road, at the 2nd bend go straight ( do not take the bend) to the run site, ( follow signs )

837 June 8, 2013 Uncle Ray Valencia
  June 19 Live Run in Castries, St Lucia
838 June 21, 2013 Eric/ Marita/ Colin/ Diane St Lucia
839 June 22, 2013 Betty/ Lorin St Lucia
840 July 06, 2013 Marwan Lopinot
841 July 20, 2013 Lorin Paton Ravine Sable
842 August 03, 2013 Ivan Charles Blanchisseuse
843 August 17, 2013 Mahashma/ Papa Smurf Cumaca
844 August 31, 2013 Fearsome Foursome Pepper Village

Run Directions – Run #836

Date: Sat 25th May 2013
Time: 3:30pm
Site: Mission Bay, Toco
Hares: Marlon & Devon

Leave Port -Of-Spain driving east on the Churchill Roosevelt highway till you get to Valencia junction. The road then splits into 2, right take you to Sangre Grande and left takes you through Valencia. TAKE THE LEFT !! drive for about 25 min till you get to the Toco main road and make another left turn. From there drive for about 36KM passing Matura, Balandra, Cumana. On approaching Toco village you will come to a triangle in the road stay left again. From there drive for another 2KM passing the huge Toco police station on the left and on to Mission Village where the run site is. You cannot miss it big open beach front next to the road.

Lunches will be on sale Crab, Crayfish, fish with dumpling .
Cost $40.00 per plate.

Please be advise that the trip is about 2 hours and I STRESS leave a bit earlier to avoid the Valencia Saturday traffic. If you late will have to sit by the beach and wait till we get back!!

Trash Run #834


A Drinking Club with a running problem

Commit-T 2013

Hash Master Pradeep Subrian psubrian[at] 678-2372
Assistant Hash Master Colin Sorias colinsorias[at]
Hash Cash Lorin Paton 622-5806
Hareline Salma Khan salmakhan_10[at] 753-8843
Hash Booze Ashe Holder
On-Sec Marita Guevara mcguevar[at]
Members Betty Agostini, Diana Henderson, Randall Lyon, Martin Griffith, Derek De Freitas, Marguerite Aanensen, Raymond Wyver, Dave Blunden, Joanne Esdale, Eric DeSilva

Web Address:

DATE: April 27th, 2013
RUN: #834
SITE: Chaguaramas Golf Course
HARES: Nevie, Numnuts, Hayden, Nella
SCRIBE: Canadian Hasher

Damn… I’m one of those foreign hashers who manages to duck my way out of everything including writing this, but Pradeep’s just got that special way to make me do anything! Or maybe it was just the number of beers consumed that pushed me to say yes. So here goes…first time…I don’t want this to be too boring so I’m going to send this to Hare Numnuts for him to Trinicize this for me…..

Sooo….was thinking there was no way in hell people would show up to run on Saturday afternoon with all the rain chaos experienced Friday night…took me over 2 hours in a car to go from the west to Cipriani then ended up ditching car cause it wasn’t moving so I might as well walk …..then more crazy rain Saturday morning. Nevi must have some horse shoes up his a—cause the rain miraculously stopped around noon….and the afternoon turned out excellent for a hash! Overcast but cool. But with rain comes mosquitoes, and they were out in full force. If you didn’t Off Up before the hash you only have yourself to blame cause Nevi warned us …how many damn emails did he send about repellent?

By 3:30 the parking lot at Chaugaramas Golf Course was filling up, and more hashers still arriving. CDA caused a little grief at around 3 saying we needed Ministerial permission to hold the hash on their property….but the hares got down on all fours when the security guard came by to shut us down …and we ended up only having to take down the Monster tent. No prob with selling beers ….which were flowing pre-run.

3:45 hash called to order…..but who de hares?….some guys walking around with well used yellow jerseys and masking tape across their chests? Yep, they’re the hares….Nevi, Numnuts, Nella and Haydon..they say this an environmental hash now, and we reusing ol’ jerseys….ok, like it. Virgins told what to do, then off we go. As we were told by Hares not to go on golf course, we think it will be easy to find start of trail, but right off we are on the wrong trail. Finally find another trail, and the only way to go is up, and up and up….

On the top of the hill we can see the north coast….beautiful …but as I run down the trail which is on the ridge of the hill and only a couple feet from the edge which plummets down to the rocks below, I wonder how the hell there hasn’t been a hasher or two knocked off during these runs. With eyes front, the hardest part of getting down the hill is quickly upon us…..slipping and sliding….and then a posse of little hashers about half my height and seemingly just out of preschool come flying by ….left of me, right of me, under me…and I’m not going slowly!! I make it down the hill, and in front of me is a nice flat trail….but no!..we are going up a SECOND hill. And just as tall as the first! Again, what a view when we get to top! But I have not time to enjoy…this is a good fast run. Again my legs start to shake as I realize I am a couple feet away from slipping to my death, so eyes down, I follow the path again along the ridge then slip, slide down the hill. Those kids must be way in front of me. Now I know where we are….Macaripe. Maybe we will have a beer stop on the beach!! No such luck. We look for the on-in sign as we all know we can just follow the roadway and get back to the Golf Course, but no paper. Maybe some beach visitors have moved the paper. We look everywhere for paper!! We even follow each other down the road sans paper because this is the only logical direction to go! Well hell no. Back we go! We have yet another mountain to climb! This one starts to the right of the beach, beside a derelict old house I have never seen before. Now I am tired…two hills were enough! I hear a young man say to his lady friend, both of them looking like jocks….”I don’t want to push you too hard”…..what!

What a surprise at the top of the THIRD hill… connects to the Bamboo Cathedral road. Nice run down on pavement and we are sure to be going on-in now. But no….whose idea was it to throw in a diversion through the forest…pretty, but we’ve had enough! Finally we get back on the Bamboo Cathedral road, and out to the Macaripe Road. Now we know where we are going. But hares are blocking our way to the trail back to the golf course! Yet another diversion through the forest! We finally get on the trail to the golf course and b-line our way home to the beers. That run was a couple hours long….good thing the days are getting longer. And better still….no rain!!

The parking lot turned out to be a nice place to lime…and the lime was growing! Time for down downs…..hashers gave the thumbs up to the run, and hares were rewarded with a beer. Virgins called on to the stage…which was provided on Doon’s truck. Then a few got caught with new shoes, which then were christened with beer. Poofter nominees were Nella…I forget why….a newbie from Barbados who had the nerve to show up to the run but stayed in the parking lot TO DRINK, and then there were 3 damsels who have been seen around town working out but showed up to the hash POST RUN only to show the hash men the results of their workouts. A second vote had to be taken because it was a close call between Mr. Barbados and the damsels…with our visitor being crowned as Poofter. Are all Barbadians cheap cause he took his sweet time using the hash arm-tube to drink his beer…..not wanting to spill a drop.

The lime was good…only a slight drizzle at times mainly because I had my umbrella with me. We moved over to the golf course club house after a while to buy food….some wings and chips or stewed chicken or whatever…..and were entertained by the music of their DJ.


Well….we got a loyal hasher engaged in the scribe for the first time and a great attempt indeed, my little mischievous way of engaging hashers to partake. I would have been disappointed if the rain had kept some away but it did not and even brought out the “Movie Towne Posse” to the run BUT again, dark clouds and they bowed out but choose to lime and have some beers that made them contenders for poofter nominee but was out done by the Barbados hasher (so he claims) that got a virgin down down and never ran. Fun and more Fun…the way it should be.

Virgins: Verona, Marisa, Mya, Ainsley, Keven, Shelly Ann, POTHOLE, Jake and Ben

New Shoes: Annie and Christopher

Poofter: Andre (The Barbados Hasher) or so he said!



DATE: May 25th, 2013
RUN: #836
SITE: Mission Beach, Toco
HARES: Marlon Newallo & Devon

Drive east along the CR highway passing Arima until you reach the Wallerfield traffic lights where you turn left and head towards the Eastern Main Road. Turn right on that intersection and drive till you reach the Valencia junction just after passing the Pillars on both side of the road and the Heineken sign on the left. On the junction, keep left on the traffic light and head onto the Valencia road and drive for about 20 minutes until you reach a cross road. Turn left on that cross road drive until you reach the Toco junction where you continue on the left and drive for a couple of minutes until you reach Mission Bay. Allocate 2.5 hours journey time

836 May 25, 2013 Marlon Newallo Toco
837 June 8, 2013 Uncle Ray  Valencia